POSTED January 30, 1998


By Louise Ferry
"NEVER A MONKEY" Gen. 1:20-27; Col. 1:16; John 1:3 PUPPETS=Grandma & Sally

SALLY: Grandma, how do we know that we didn't just evolve? My science teacher believes that people evolved from monkeys. Sometimes he can make it sound so logical.

GRANDMA You need to be careful about believing everything you hear, Sally. Satan likes to make the wrong seem right sometimes, just to get us confused.

SALLY: Well, I know the Bible says God created everything. I've known that ever since I can remember. It's just that there are so many similarities between monkeys and humans.

GRANDMA: I can tell you have really been thinking. There are many people who are convinced that we evolved from other forms of life. Do you remember the time you took your hamster to school when it was going to have babies?

SALLY: Yes. Why?

GRANDMA: Did anyone think they might come in one morning and find baby kittens in the cage instead of baby hamsters?

SALLY: Of course not! Mother hamsters always have baby hamsters.

GRANDMA: Aren't there quite a few similarities, though, between hamsters and kittens? Do you think they might have evolved from each other?

SALLY: That's interesting. When you look at it from a different angle it doesn't seem as convincing.

GRANDMA: I like to think of the similarities we see in nature as a reminder of God's orderly fashion of creating the world. The Bible says God created everything to reproduce "after his own kind". In other words, monkeys will always be monkeys, and people will always be people. God created it that way.

SALLY: Thanks for the talk Grandma. I do believe that the Bible is true. I guess I just needed to be reminded of that. See you next week.

GRANDMA: See you Sally. Remember boys and girls. The Bible tells us that nothing was ever made, except the things that God made. God made people to be people. See you next week.

LOUISE: (Louise closes)

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