

By Louise Ferry

Madonna: What have you got there in your "Apple Bag" today, Louise?

LOUISE: Well, I've got some construction equipment

Madonna: Construction equipment! In that little bag! I'd like to see a bull dozer fit in there.

LOUISE: No, not that kind. This kind (shows & demonstrates lipstick, blush, eye shadow, etc.)This construction equipment helps ladies to look beautiful and as perfect
as possible.

Madonna: Do you think there is any hope for me? I don't feel very pretty. People make
fun of the way I look.

LOUISE: Do you know what? To God you are very, very, pretty! After all He made you
and "God don't make junk" so the saying goes. There is also a saying that we are all under
construction because God isn't finished with us yet. That reminds me that Vacation Bible School
begins tomorrow night and its all about construction.

Madonna: Oh, dear. I don't know a hammer from a drill. What'll I do. Oh dear.

LOUISE: Don't worry, Madonna - We are all going to learn to be "Promise Builders for
Jesus" That doesn't take a hammer or drill or even lipstick and blush. We have
really good teachers to help us and lots of others to make VBS a whole
week of fun.

Madonna: Now when is this again and what time?

LOUISE: VBS begins tomorrow night and goes thru Friday and every night begins at
6:00 and ends at 8:30. Then on Sunday evening, we get to bring our parents to
the closing service and show all that we have made and learned. It's really going to be a fun
filled week.

Madonna: Well, I'm going to be there for sure. Are you Louise?

LOUISE: I sure am! How about you, boys and girls? It's not too late to invite your friends.
See you tomorrow night.