POSTED March 3, 1999
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading John 10:10
PUPPETS: Butch & Sally

SALLY: Dummy, dummy, dummy!!!
BUTCH: Sally, it is not nice to call someone dummy.
SALLY: Well, Butch, here you are coming before all these young people who are dressed for Church, the face washed and their hair combed and you come in here with a head of hair that looks like a tumble weed.
BUTCH: And you are calling me names. I think we both should start over. Or do we want to talk about your fishing trip last week.
SALLY: Now you wouldn't do that would you, "Butchie" old buddy.
BUTCH: After what you said. I remember real well. Dad had promised you that he would take you fishing and you were very excited.
SALLY: But, Butch?
BUTCH: It was a 2 hour drive to the fishing spot and dad had to work that morning, so he stopped by and picked you up. He opened the trunk and you proudly carried out your equipment and put it in the trunk. You put in you fishing vest, your stringer, you even put in your bait bucket and a tackle box filled with you favorite lures. You had everything you were going to need to go fishing.
SALLY: But, Butch?
BUTCH: Don't "but Butch" me. You had a two hour drive. When you finally arrived at the lake, dad unlocked the trunk and guess what?
SALLY: I know, I forgot my fishing pole. I remembered everything else that I needed for a good fishing trip except what was most important: My fishing rod. Needless to say, we didn't have a very good fishing trip.
BUTCH: You know, Sally, I've often thought how Jesus is like that fishing rod.
SALLY: Jesus like a fishing rod? Have you been chewin' on something strange.
BUTCH: No, really. There are so many things we need in order to live enjoyable lives. Things like good health, a good education, a good job, good food, and a lot of love. But more than anything else, we need Jesus.
SALLY: I know, Butch. He is the most important for us to have if we want to enjoy this life.
BUTCH: Jesus said, "I came that you might have life and life to the fullest." Jesus wants us to enjoy life to its fullest. To do that, we have to have a relationship with Him through faith.
SALLY: Butch, I'm sorry. You are no dummy, that's a fact. Boys and girls I hope someday you made the decision to make Jesus your Lord and Savior. Bye everybody. (Puppets down)
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