POSTED August 13, 1999
By Louise Ferry
Psalm 96:8-13
PUPPETS: Mom & Sally

SALLY: Boy, I sure didn't want to get up this morning. When I got up it was as if I had just got into bed from babysitting the night before. It is a wonder we made it to church on time since I had to iron my dress this morning.
MOTHER: I know. I should make sure you have your clothes ready the night before.
SALLY: I was really embarrassed about being late for Sunday School again.
MOTHER: So was I. It seems our Sunday Mornings are getting more and more disorganized, and they definitely don't prepare our hearts for worship.
SALLY: What can we do? Do you have any suggestions, mom?
MOTHER: Well, we should get our clothes ready on Saturday, I'm at fault for allowing it to happen. We all should do our Sunday School lesson earlier in the week.
SALLY: You know, mom, I feel badly about being so tired, I'm going to let people know that I can only baby-sit until ten o'clock on Saturdays.
MOTHER: And I'll start Sunday morning by playing some good Christian music on the stereo. Waking up to that kind of music may help to prepare our minds to really worship the Lord with our whole hearts.
SALLY: That really sounds like a good idea. We can be ready for our Sunday School lesson earlier in the week, get plenty of rest so we are not tired on Sunday Morning and listen to Christian music on Sunday morning before coming to church so we can be ready to worship when we get here. That's a good plan. See you Louise. (puppet down)
MOTHER: Boys and girls, moms and dads, how about you? What was it like at your house this morning. Were you prepared to worship God and learn from Him when you walked into church. Why not try Sally's suggestions and really enjoy the worship of God on Sunday. See you boys and girls.