(Sally stays down until noted)
BUTCH: Sally, Sally, where is that girl. Sally, come here. I see you back there. Get up here and talk to the kids.
SALLY: Well, I was afraid.
BUTCH: Afraid. Why would a grown girl like you be afraid? i don't understand it.
SALLY: Well, Butch, it is easy for you to say. You know what time of year it is. Everyone running around trying to scare you and i'm afraid.
BUTCH: Afraid. What have you to be afraid of?
SALLY: Witches, ghost, grimlins, and all those other bad things.
BUTCH: Sally, there are no witches, ghost, grimlins or any of those other things.
SALLY: Butch, what makes you think there are none of them?
BUTCH: Sally, the Bible says so. God says so.
SALLY: Are you sure?
BUTCH: Yes, Sally, I am sure. I believe the Word of God.
SALLY: But I'm afraid.
BUTCH: Sally, God said not to be afraid. That fear is not of Him.
SALLY: God said that?
BUTCH: In Romans chapter 8 and verse 15 it says; (Romans 8:15) "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."" God says that if you are a born again Christian, you are adopted and part of the adoption is you are not bound to fear.
SALLY: Well, Butch, I gave my life to Christ last year. So that makes me part of the family, right?
BUTCH: That's right. And in 2 Timothy 1:7 we read; "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
SALLY: So why am I afraid?
BUTCH: Because you allow it. You have the power not to be afraid. You are afraid because you allow Satan to bother you. You need to claim the victory that Christ bought.
SALLY: What you are saying is that I need to apply my faith in the area of fear and not let this Halloween stuff to bother me. God is real and Halloween is not.
BUTCH: Sally, girl, I believe you have it. Bye everyone.