G-MA: (to kids) Let's give Butch and Sally a chance to show how smart they are, by seeing if they can answer a question.
SALLY: O.K. Grandma, what's the question.
BUTCH: Yeah, I probably know the answer.
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
BUTCH: Buying a tractor and plow and using it for shade to rest in as you break the ground with a spade.
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
SALLY: Really dumb!
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
BUTCH: Having a Corvette parked in the garage and walking everywhere you go.
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
SALLY: Going to a movie and watching the popcorn machine.
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
BUTCH: Having a new dishwasher and letting your German shepherd lick your dishes clean.
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
SALLY: Standing by the telephone and yelling at your neighbor down the street.
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
BUTCH: Sitting down to a table of food and eating the tablecloth.
G-MA: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like . . .?
SALLY: Making a puppet, dressing it up, and then never putting your hand inside it.
BUTCH: Now you've quit preaching and gone to meddling!
All: Having a Bible and not reading it daily is like really dumb!