SALLY: Hey, Chris, do you like apples?
CHRIS: Yes, I sure do.
SALLY: Did you see that apple left over from Christmas treats back in the kitchen?
CHRIS: I sure did. It was really ugly.
SALLY: What if you were really hungry and asked me for an apple and I gave you that bad one?
CHRIS: That wouldn't be nice.
SALLY: If I really cared about you, which apple would I give you?
CHRIS: A good one.
SALLY: That's right, I would give you a good one.
CHRIS: I knew you were nice.
SALLY: Did you know sometimes our actions can be like good and bad apples, too?
CHRIS: Really?
SALLY: Yes. Some good actions are being nice to other people, helping other people, telling the truth.
CHRIS: Wow, that's really neat.
SALLY: And some bad actions could be gossiping about people or not sharing with other people. Which kind of actions are Christians supposed to do?
CHRIS: The good actions, of course.
SALLY: What if we tell people we are Christians, but then we do the bad actions?
CHRIS: They're not going to believe us. They might say, "Well, I don't want to be a Christian if all Christians are mean like that".
SALLY: And if we are Christians, and if we care about people, what kind of actions will we do? We will do the good actions.
CHRIS: Let's remember this week the way that God wants us to act toward other people. See you Sally. Bye boys and girls.
SALLY: See you Chris, bye everyone. (puppets down)