By Louise Ferry
"BE CAREFUL HOW YOU WALK!" Ephesians 5:15-20

EDITH: Sally, did you see what that crazy Butch was doing yesterday?
SALLY: No, Edith Ann, I didn't. What was he doing this time?
EDITH: He had this piece of string and he put it down on the floor and was pretending is was a high wire, and he was walking it.
SALLY: That's silly. You know what would happen if they moved that string up off the floor don't you?
EDITH: Yes, he would be scared to death. He wouldn't have the floor to keep him from falling.
SALLY: That's right, Edith Ann, if that string was up as high as the top of this church it wouldn't be so easy then, even though it would be the same string. It would be different, wouldn't it?
EDITH: That's right. It would be very different. Somethings in life are a little bit scary, like walking on a tightrope.
SALLY: Sometimes meeting new people is scary for some of us. Going to school for the first time can be scary. Having a broken bone can be scary. At times like those we feel like we are going to fall.
EDITH: Yes, but we have Someone who watches over us. He can't protect us from every bad thing in the world that might happen to us, but He can give us the courage and confidence to walk more steadily.
SALLY: You're right, Edith Ann. I'm glad God is always watching us and watching over us. That gives me the courage and the confidence to do the scary things in life that I must do. But, knowing Butch, he will never get the string off of the floor. Well, I'd better get going, It's time for you know what.
EDITH: See you later, Sally. See you Boys & Girls. See you Peggy
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