By Louise Ferry
"LIKE A MOCKINGBIRD" Rev. 1:4b-8, John 1:33-37

EDITH ANN: Hi boys and girls.
BUTCH: Hi boys and girls.
EDITH ANN: Isn't it a beautiful day?
BUTCH: Isn't it a beautiful day?
EDITH ANN: What's wrong with you Butch, you keep repeating everything I say.
BUTCH: Doesn't that remind you of anything?
EDITH ANN: Don't tempt me!
BUTCH: Do you remember what bird does that?
EDITH ANN: A goofy bird named Butch.
BUTCH: No, a mockingbird. It can imitate a dog barking, a person whistling, or sounding like other birds. I even heard someone say they heard a mockingbird imitate music on an old recording that was playing, including the scratch in the record.
EDITH ANN: I'll bet!!
BUTCH: It's true. Mockingbirds usually like people -- unless they are guarding their young in the nest. Then they can be fierce. It might be fun sometimes to be around a mockingbird, when its not guarding its nest, to make sounds for the mockingbird to imitate.
EDITH ANN: There are some people who remind me of a mockingbird. They are always imitating other people. Whatever other people do is what they do -- even if it's wrong.
BUTCH: That is not how God means for us to live. He wants us to spend our lives imitating His Son, Jesus. He wants us to be loving, and forgiving, and kind -- like Jesus.
EDITH ANN: You mean I'm suppose to imitate Jesus?
BUTCH: That's right, Edith Ann.
EDITH ANN: You mean I shouldn't be like the foolish mockingbird -- imitating whoever happens to be around.
BUTCH: You are on the right track. If you imitate somebody, imitate the greatest person who ever lived -- Jesus. See you around. Bye Louise.
EDITH ANN: Bye, Butch. See you Louise.
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