By Louise Ferry

Bernie: B A R K, B A R K, B A R K.
Butch: Bernie, will you please be quiet? There are a bunch of people here this evening who do not want to listen to a dog barking.
Bernie: Dog? Dog? You don't mean me, do ya?
Butch: Well, Bernie, you are the only dog around here that I see.
Bernie: I'm so disappointed 'cause I thought I was a people.
Butch: Sorry to break the news to you that way, but you ARE a dog.
Bernie: And here all along, I thought I was just like you.
Butch: I certainly hope not. Bernie, did you know that your cousins, dogs that live in the wild, seldom bark? They howl, growl, snarl, yelp or whine but hardly ever bark.
Bernie: Gee, I guess I never noticed that.
Butch: There's this group of people who have studied dogs' barks and they believe that dogs are trying to imitate human speech when they bark. But try as hard as they can, dogs are still dogs and they cannot be people. They live in different worlds. Just like we live in a different world from God. He is so much greater than we are, like we are greater than dogs, that we can't even imagine what He is like. But God wants to talk to us.
Bernie: But how can He do that, if He is so much greater than we are?? How can He make what He has to say simple enough for us to understand?
Butch: Here is what He does. He has revealed Himself through people like me and all of you out there for centuries and then in order to get through to us even better, He revealed Himself thru His Son, Jesus. The things God said thru His people and His Son were written down in this book. What is this book called boys and girls? (Butch holds up Bible. Wait for response from kids) That's right. It's the Bible. God talks to us through the Bible. When we read it, we find out what God wants us to do. That's why it is so important to read your Bible and if you can't read, like Bernie, Mommy and Daddy can read it to you.
Bernie: God is so smart. But are you sure, Butch, that I am not a people? I sure feel like a people most of the time. Bark, Bark, Bark.
Butch: Sorry, Bernie. You are still a dog. But I love you anyway. Bye, everyone. Have a real good time today.
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