By Louise Ferry
"TIME TO TALK" Puppets, SPARKS (lion) and BERNIE (dog)

(BERNIE and SPARKS on Stage)
BERNIE: Sparks....
SPARKS Bernie, don't bother me. I don't have time to talk.
BERNIE: Do you believe in God?
SPARKS: Everybody believes in God.
BERNIE: Have you ever talked to God?
SPARKS Heavens no!
BERNIE: Why not?
SPARKS: Because I don't have time.
BERNIE: What do you do all day in your cave?
SPARKS I listen to the radio and watch T.V.
BERNIE: Is that all?
SPARKS I also read the paper. Especially the ads.
BERNIE: Why the ads.
SPARKS Because I buy stuff. Lots of stuff, and I never pay cash, so I am always in debt. I could work for 200 years and never pay all my bills.
BERNIE: You sound happy about it.
SPARKS: I am. I am.
SPARKS Because...I won't have time to talk to God for the next 200 years. (Exits)
BERNIE: But what if God should talk to you, Sparks. (Notices that Sparks is gone) Sparks, what if God should talk to you! Sparks? Gives up) I guess Sparks can't hear me...or God.
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