By Louise Ferry

MADONNA Boy, Louise, What's the matter with you? You look like you've
been rode hard and put away wet.
LOUISE Whew!!! We just finished a super great Vacation Bible School and we
were here every night this past week teaching, playing, crafting and most
of all learning.
MADONNA Yeah, I know all that cause I was here too. Didn't you see me? So, why
do you look that way?
LOUISE Well, it just must be the way God made me, so you are just going to have
to take me as I am.
MADONNA I sure had a lot of fun, especially during offering time. It was a real close
race between the boys and the girls. The boys ain't never won, you know.
LOUISE I was told that the offering race ended in a tie and there will be some special
way to celebrate that.
MADONNA When are we going to all get together again?
LOUISE Madonna, didn't you get those colored pieces of paper that said, meet back here
Sunday evening at 6:00 to show off all our crafts and lessons of the week?
MADONNA Oh, is that what those were? I made a paper airplane out of one of them and I used
the other to wrap up my gum in.
LOUISE Well, anyway, everyone is invited back tonight for the closing ceremony of Vacation
Bible School 1997. Prizes will be awarded and Refreshments will be served.
MADONNA Refreshments!!! I'll be there for sure!!!
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