By Louise Ferry
"THE WRONG SHOES" James 4:11-12 Puppets-Grandpa & Sally

G-PA: Sally, you should be ashamed of yourself. The way you talked to Kathy on the phone.
SALLY: Well, she makes me so mad. She's in one of her moods. I almost wish I hadn't invited her over.
G-PA: Maybe you can cheer her up, she hasn't been a Christian long, and her parents aren't Christians either, you know.
SALLY: I get tired of trying to cheer her up. She used to be lots of fun, but not lately.
G-PA: I remember the last time she was here, you pointed out that Kathy had new shoes just like yours. Remember, I said you must think alike.
SALLY: Yes, I remember. We did have a good time and I remember I wanted to go to her house after school that day. Dad picked me up that evening. I also remember I was depressed when I got home from Kathy's house.
G-PA: Yes, you told me all about it. How Kathy's dad was in a terrible mood and her little brother was crying and her mother was at work. I also remember that your feet hurt. Your shoes had made a blister on your foot.
SALLY: I also remember that I had on the wrong shoes. My shoes were size 6 and Kathy wears 5 and one halfs. I had wore Kathy's shoes home.
G-PA: An old Indian proverb says, "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins". I guess you had walked a day in Kathy's.
SALLY: And after spending a few hours in her house, I think I understand her a little better. I'm going to stop criticizing her and pray for her instead. Now, I'm going to call her and see how she liked walking in my shoes. (PUPPET DOWN)
G-PA: We should not be too quick to judge, we need to "walk in their shoes" for a while. Try to understand their circumstances better. Don't judge them, pray for them. See you Louise. (Louise closes)
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