POSTED January 10, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"HOW CAN I PRAY?" Col. 1:9-14 (Sparks the Lion & Do-Do the armless marionette)

DO-DO: Hey, there, Sparks, What are you up to?
SPARKS: Well, the last time I checked, 110" from nose to tail [I saw that the other day on a semi truck trailer]
DO-DO: You are so silly today, Sparks. Did you take some kind of funny pills?
SPARKS: No, but I did read the funnies in the Sunday paper. Do you ever read those, kids? (wait for response) Sometimes the preacher even finds some things that he uses in his sermons. What do you think about that?
DO-DO: Speaking of sermons, what's today's message about?
SPARKS: I don't know for sure but it's something about praying.
DO-DO: Oh dear. Woe is me. I can't pray. I've thought and I've worried and I've stewed and I pewed and I still can't figure it out. I'm just a mess.
SPARKS: Oh, DoDo, I'll help you. It'll be okay. Now what's the big problem?
DO-DO: Well, it's like this, Sparks. When my little friends that are down here in front with us today pray, they put their hands together and then they talk with God. I can't do that! I don't have any hands. All I have are feet, too many feet.
SPARKS: Yes, you can, DoDo, You CAN pray to God. You may not be able to put your hands together like these kids but that is not the most important thing.
DO-DO: But what is the most important thing then?
SPARKS: Just taking the time to be with God. You can be with God wherever you are even if you don't have hands to put together. Hey everybody, let's give DoDo a hand. (everybody clap)
DO-DO: Thank you, Sparks, and everybody. I feel so much better now. Well, I'd better go. I've got something I need to talk over with God. See you soon. (puppet off stage)
SPARKS: Bye, everybody. Keep praying. (puppet down)
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