POSTED January 17, 1998

By Louise Ferry

SALLY: Well, if it ain't Spot T. Donkey. How you doing Spot?
SPOT: Not so good.
SALLY: What's wrong?
SPOT: I'll tell you what's wrong. I'm tired of being a gopher.
SALLY: Why, you're not a gopher. You're a donkey.
SPOT: No, I'm not. I'm a gopher. I go for this, and I go for that. And have to do this, and have to do that. And I'm tired of it.
SALLY: What are you talking about?
SPOT: When I was young, my parents used to tell me to do this and do that. Then my teachers told me to do this and do that. And now my employer tells me to do this and do that. And I'm getting tired of being told what to do. In fact, I'm starting to get positively stubborn.
SALLY: You're sounding more like a donkey every day.
SPOT: But I don't want to be stubborn. And I don't want to be told what to do all the time. I'd like to be free for a change.
SALLY: Jesus can make you free.
SPOT: Oh, no He can't. I know all about that religious stuff. If I came to the Lord, then He would tell me to do this and do that, and not do this and not do that - just like everybody else, only more so.
SALLY: Spot, you're really mistaken. You've got the wrong idea of what God is like. God isn't looking for slaves - God's looking for sons and daughters. A lot of people think God is demanding and mean, and that's just not true.
SPOT: It isn't?
SALLY: Of course not. God is love. And He wants your love more than anything else. And to know Jesus is to love Him. And when you're in love with someone, you want to do things for him.
SPOT: How can Jesus make me free from all the other demands in my life?
SALLY: Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." With God's love living and growing in our hearts, we'll just naturally want to serve others. And God will see to it that we get the rest we need - and also the joy.
SPOT: Joy?
SALLY: That's right. God is concerned about our happiness. All work and no play would make anyone depressed.
SPOT: But what about all those rules and regulations and laws and commandments in the Bible?
SALLY: When God our Father tells us to do something, He's trying to lead us into an abundant life, and we have to cooperate by applying His guidelines for living. For example, the Bible says, be good to your neighbors and you'll have better neighbors.
SPOT: Is that in the Bible?
SALLY: Well, words to that effect. That's from the Your's Truly paraphrased version of the Bible.
SPOT: Maybe you're right, Sally. I need to stop grumbling and complaining and start doing things God's way.
SALLY: Atta Boy, Spot. By the way do you have any good milk?
SPOT: See there. Now you're telling me what to do. Do I look like a refrigerator?
SALLY: Sorry about that, Spot ole buddy. I love you too much to ask you to do something you don't want to do.
SPOT: Oh, that's okay, Sally. I reckon I love you too. And that's why I'd me more than happy to give you some milk. Let's go to the barn. I'll see if Betsy will cooperate. (BOTH PUPPETS DOWN)
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