POSTED January 22, 1998


By Louise Ferry
"DIFFERENT OR THE SAME" (Sally & Butch) Butch is on stage dancing around & whisling, Sally enters.

SALLY: Butch. (Butch doesn't hear her) Butch.

BUTCH: What?

SALLY: What are you acting silly for?

BUTCH: I was humming a new rock song.


BUTCH: Because I like it.

SALLY: You know, Butch, lately you've been acting very strangely.

BUTCH: Why do you say that?

SALLY: Because you go around acting silly everywhere.

BUTCH: So what?

SALLY: So, you're acting awful. You don't have any table manners, you are sloppy, and lazy.

BUTCH: That's the "in" thing.

SALLY: What do you mean the "in" thing?

BUTCH: I mean everyone listens to rock. No one actually cares about manners or neatness anymore, either.

SALLY: It's not good to do things just because everyone else does, Butch

BUTCH: Why not?

SALLY: Because, just think what the world would be like if everyone tried to act like one person.

BUTCH: I don't get it.

SALLY: Everyone is unique because they are each - one of a kind. But if everyone was acting the same, they wouldn't really be unique. People are also unique because they have their own way of doing things.

BUTCH: Oh! I see what you mean.

SALLY: That's good - because I don't know how much more of "silly Butch" I can take.

BUTCH: But what about everyone else? They will still act like that.

SALLY: Well - most will see it's ridiculous. Others might need just a few words from you. But if they still don't care, don't worry, one person can't control everyone's lives anyway.


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