POSTED January 27, 1998


By Louise Ferry

GRANDPA: Well Butch, what did you think of Vacation Bible School?

BUTCH: I think it was neat. We sure had a lot of fun.

GRANDPA: What kind of things did you do Butch?

BUTCH: We made all kinds of things. We made rope and bricks and weaving and pottery and measuring rules.

GRANDPA: Wow. That does sound neat. Was the bricks hard to make?

BUTCH: Yes. We had to get into the tub and walk around with our feet in the mud.

GRANDPA: Bet you got dirty.

BUTCH: Sure did, but I also learned how hard it was back in those days.

GRANDPA: You mean back it 29 A.D.?

BUTCH: Yes in the days of Jesus. We heard stories around the well and found out that if you didn't pay your taxes, they sold you into slavery.

GRANDPA: I know the feeling. Every time April 15th comes around I feel like I'm already in slavery. Did you learn anything else.

BUTCH: We learned about how the Jews had their meals. The kind of food they ate and the way they prepared to eat it.

GRANDPA: Eating. That's my favorite part. What kind of chicken did they have, baked, fried, cut up or whole?

BUTCH: We didn't have any chicken. We had dates and rasins and grapes and bread and all kinds of things like that.

GRANDPA: No chicken. Now that's not very much fun. But the bread sounds like fun.

BUTCH: It was. We mixed our own bread and the ladies in the kitchen baked it, boy was it good.

GRANDPA: It sure sounds like it. I came by and the tribe banners and tents and shops and the well were so good. Everybody seemed to be so excited.

BUTCH: They were. And we want everyone to come tonight and help us close the Vacation Bible School. Okay.

GRANDPA: Okay. See you tonight. (Louise Closes)

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