By Louise Ferry

SPOT: Boy, Grandpa, it's been so hot, I almost did something desperate.
G-PA: Whatever did you almost do?
SPOT: Well, I almost took a dip in the preacher's dinky little pool so I could cool off.
G-PA: If I was going to do that I wouldn't mess with the preacher's pool, I'd go a
little further and jump in the Slabaugh's big pool, but you sure ain't no water
SPOT: Grandpa, I was wondering. Why does it get so hot?
G-PA: Well, you see, God had divided our year into seasons and in the summer it
usually gets pretty hot.
SPOT: You know what? I was riding in the car with Grandma the other day and I
saw a sign in front of a church that said, "And you think it's hot here". What
did that mean Grandpa?
G-PA: I reckon they were talking about Hell.
SPOT: Grandpa, you said a bad word.
G-PA: Now, now, Spot, don't get so excited. Hell is a real place the Bible talks
about where people who choose not to believe in Jesus go and spend
eternity, where they can never be with God.
SPOT: You sure that's not a bad word?
G-PA: Not when its used like I told you.
SPOT: So all people have to do to stay out of that horrible place and go to heaven
is to accept Jesus as their Savior and believe that He died for them, was
buried and rose from the dead on the third day and now He is in heaven with
G-PA: You've got it!!
SPOT: I sure hope there's a special place up there for dogs.
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