POSTED February 17, 1998


By Louise Ferry

GRANDMA: Louise, what do you have there?

LOUISE: A can of oil.

GRANDMA: Did you see that Sally. She had a can of oil. That's strange!

SALLY: Sure is. I wonder if she has been getting enough sleep.

GRANDMA: I don't know. But it does remind us that we have an oil crisis because of what is going on in Iraq.

SALLY: And just think, not that long ago there was millions of gallons of oil floating on the water in Alaska. How soon we forget.

GRANDMA: Yes, but I haven't forgot all of the danger to the wildlife.

SALLY: My teacher says that it has been proven that a drop of oil no larger than a quarter will work its way thru the feathers of a bird, will mat the feathers and interfere with the wings and eventually cause slow but certain death.

GRANDMA: Yes, I know. Did you know that anger and resentment are like that?

SALLY: Really. How's that happen?

GRANDMA: Well, all of us get mad from time to time. People do things to hurt us or upset us. That's perfectly natural.

SALLY: Sometimes I get mad at Johnny and I want to stay mad.

GRANDMA: That's the problem Sally. When we are hurt, it may end up hurting someone else, unless we do something.

SALLY: What's that grandma?

GRANDMA: The best thing to do when people hurt us or upset us is to go to them and try to make friends.

SALLY: You mean I shouldn't keep on being angry?

GRANDMA: A little anger can't be helped, but it always needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible before any lasting damage is done.

SALLY: That sounds like pretty good advice. So good, that they ought to use it in Iraq. Thanks grandma, see you next week. See you Louise with the oil can.

LOUISE: (Louise closes)

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