POSTED February 24, 1998

By Louise Ferry

BUTCH: Grandpa. You know that it will not be long now before there is snow in the ground and I really hate that.
GRANDPA: Why do you hate it Butch? Most kids like snow.
BUTCH: Oh, I like the snow, but it is the mess that is left when the snow melts that I don't like.
GRANDPA: Yes, Butch, I know what you mean. It really bothers me too. I also don't like to go to the park or the playground and see trash people throw on the ground.
BUTCH: Yes, that bothers us all. Litter is bad because it takes pretty things--grass, trees and beaches--and makes them dirty.
GRANDPA: Yes, it makes them less then they ought to be. Sin does the same thing to our lives. Did you know that?
BUTCH: No, Grandpa, I never thought of it that way.
GRANDPA: When we disobey God and do something we ought not to do, it is like scattering litter in our lives.
BUTCH: You mean, it's just like the trash & litter on the ground in the parks that keep them from being all they ought to be, sin in our lives keeps us from being all God wants us to be?
GRANDPA: That's right Butch. God wants the very best for us, and sin keeps us from being our best. It's like litter in your life and mine.
BUTCH: But maybe I don't have any litter.
GRANDPA: I'm sorry Butch but every person has had the same experience. The Bible says, "For all have sinned"---everyone of us has disobeyed God. We've all littered our lives.
BUTCH: What can I do?
GRANDPA: Turn to Jesus, he forgives.
BUTCH: You mean when I turn to Jesus it is just like sweeping the litter out?
GRANDPA: That's right and then you can be all that God wants you to be.
BUTCH: Does that apply to everyone?
GRANDPA: Yes. You are never too old or too young. Nor can you do it too much. We all need to seek Jesus' cleansing. See you next week.
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