POSTED February 24, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"TEMPORARY PERMANENT" Psalm 48:9-14 Sally & Mom

SALLY: (thinking out-loud, mom is off stage) Boy, it has been a rough day. I get through it and get home where mom has left me a snack. She knows I am always hungry when I get home from School. She's out to the beauty shop getting a permanent. I get home and the snack taste like sawdust. I guess that's the way it was going all day, why should it end just because I get home?
MOM: (mom enters) Sally, why the unhappy face?
SALLY: Well, I lost my science assignment and my teach said I'd have to do it all over.
MOM: I know that's rough, but it's not the end of the world.
SALLY: Well, at recess I fell and tore a hole in my pantyhose. Suzie, my best friend ignored me all day. I didn't understand the afternoon English lesson and I was too discouraged to ask for help. Every thing went wrong today. By the way, Mom, your hair looks nice. Will it stay that way?
MOM: (laughing) I wish it would, but after a while it will start to lose its curl.
SALLY: Well, why is it called a 'permanent' then?
MOM: I think it's misnamed. Many things we call 'permanent' don't last forever. But there's something that does.
SALLY: (excited) Really, what is it?
MOM: God's love. It is permanent. His love goes on and on.
SALLY: Even when things have gone wrong all day and I come home and they are still going wrong?
MOM: Yes. Even when things go wrong and it seems He's forgotten us, He really hasn't. His love is still there, strong and true.
SALLY: That's nice to remember after the kind of day I've had. Thanks mom.
MOM: That's okay, Sally. I'm glad I could help.
SALLY: When I look at your temporary permanent, I'll remember that God's love is really permanent.
MOM: Boys and girls, when things go wrong, especially one thing after another, it's easy to get discouraged and forget God's love. But God doesn't forget you. His love is there, whether you're feeling it or not. It's an everlasting love. See you Louise, see you Peggy.
SALLY: By everybody.
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