POSTED March 2, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"TRUE FREEDOM" ~~ Proverbs 6:20-23 ~~ Sally & Mom

(Sally enters alone and thinks out loud)
SALLY: How could mom be so unreasonable? I really want to go to Sarah's house for a slumber party but Mom won't let me go because as she put it "Sarah's family are not Christians". So what if the girls are much older and rather wild. I don't think she even wants me to have any fun. (Sally is still sniffling when a knock comes on the door) (Mom enters)
MOM: I put your clean clothes on the dresser, you can put them away later. Are you still upset over the slumber party?
SALLY: (rather cold and sharp) Yep.
MOM: Sally, do you remember a while back when the bird came flopping its wings against the window. Do you remember what I said?
SALLY: How could I forget it. You said, "Open the window and let the poor bird in. It's cruel to keep him out when he desperately wants to get in."
MOM: Do you remember what YOU said?
SALLY: No, what did I say?
MOM: You said, "Mom you must be out of your gourd. He wouldn't know what to do once he got inside. He'd be trapped and frightened and wouldn't know how to get out again. He might even get hurt."
SALLY: Oh, now I remember. You said something like, "But don't you want him to have his freedom?"
MOM: Yes and your reply was "He's got more space and freedom outside."
SALLY: So what?
MOM: So by saying no, you were giving him freedom and protecting him. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense to you right now that I said no to the party, but God gave me the responsibility of protecting you.
SALLY: I guess you're right Mom.
MOM: I don't want you to get caught in a situation where you might get hurt.
SALLY: That silly bird didn't realize I was trying to help it and I guess I didn't realize you were doing the same thing. Thanks mom.
MOM: That's okay Sally. I love you. Boys and girls. Do you feel that your parents are restricting your freedom by giving you rules and expecting you to obey? In love, they are actually protecting you from situations or things that could harm you. Trust their judgment and obey their decisions. True freedom includes living within bounds set by God. See you everyone. See you Peggy.
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