POSTED March 3, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"THIS ISN'T SUGAR!" ~~ Isaiah 5:18-21 ~~ Sally & Dad

(Sally is sniffling when Dad enters)
DAD What's wrong Sally. It's been a long time since I've seen you this upset.
SALLY: Well, I wanted to bake a cake and I asked Mom and she said, "Ok, but I'll be busy and won't be able to help."
DAD: And that is why you are upset that Mom couldn't help?
SALLY: No, that's not the problem. She told me to follow the instructions exactly and I told her I would and I did.
DAD: Then what's the problem?
SALLY: The cake taste awful and looked awful.
DAD: Oh, no.
SALLY: What's wrong dad?
DAD: Well, you see Sally, I know what happened.
SALLY: How could you know what happened, you weren't even here.
DAD: You see, I stopped at the grocery store on the way home last night, remember? Well, a bag ripped and a few things fell out. Nothing broke, but the box of salt was leaking.
SALLY: I know that could be a mess, but how does it apply to my cake?
DAD: Well, I noticed that the sugar canister was empty so I decided to pour the salt into it and threw away the box. I meant to mention it but the phone rang and I forgot.
SALLY: So, what I thought was sugar was really salt. I can't believe I wouldn't have noticed that!
DAD: I'm surprised, too, but it's my fault, and I'm sorry, Sally.
SALLY: But dad, you know that is a perfect illustration of the pastor's message.
DAD: You mean where he talked about the verse in Isaiah where people called evil good?
SALLY: Yes. They also said light was darkness and that bitter was sweet. Of course, salt isn't bitter, but the idea is still the same.
DAD: Right. That jar said sugar, but it was really salt, and so the cake was ruined. That's not so bad because you can make another cake. But if people say a thing is good when God says it's evil - and if they say things are evil when God's says they're good - that can ruin an entire life. That's not so easy to fix!
SALLY: Boys & girls, do you know what things God says are good? Do you know what things God says are evil? In today's world many people change it around so that the good seems to be evil and the evil seems to be good. It's sad that so many people think that things like dishonesty, immorality, and cheating are sometimes okay.
DAD: That isn't true. Know what God says in His Word and follow His guidelines. See you everybody.
SALLY: See you boys and girls. By Louise, by Peggy.
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