POSTED March 19, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"JUST CARROTS?" ~~ Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 ~~ Butch & Mom

MOM: (enters humming but doesn't say anything)
BUTCH: (enters & says) Hey Mom, I just got another mystery book from the library.
MOM: (Mom continues to be busy & says) I'm glad you enjoy reading. By the way, how did the spelling test go?
BUTCH: (sheepishly) It went ok, I guess. (turns head as to talk to himself) Boy Butch you really blew it. You stayed up so late last night finishing that book that you didn't study.
MOM: Butch, you know I have noticed that you aren't playing with your friends and I know of more than one night you have stayed up too late. You went to Sunday School last week and didn't have your lesson done.
BUTCH: (sheepishly) I know.
MOM: Remember what else happened?
BUTCH: Yes. Dad saw the mystery book in my pocket and said that he hoped I would not try to read it in service.
MOM: Remember how disappointed Dad was when you asked to read it between services?
BUTCH: How could I ever forget that? What's for supper?
MOM: Supper. Well we are having carrots.
BUTCH: There not my favorite but they're alright. What else?
MOM: That's it.
BUTCH: That's it!! Where everything else. I know that I like carrots but not that many. What happened to the meat and all the other stuff you always say we need for a balanced diet?"
MOM: Aha! Did I hear the word BALANCE? Butch, that word not only applies to food, but it applies to your whole life as well. People can become off balance by doing too much of one thing and neglecting other things.
BUTCH: You mean like reading?
MOM: Yes, like reading. Reading is good, but not when you neglect your body, family, friends, school work, or the Lord to do it.
BUTCH: I guess you're right. I should probably try harder to have a "balanced life."
MOM: That's right. Now you can start with a balanced meal. I'll go get the rest of it out of the oven.
BUTCH: Boys and girls. Do you have a balanced life? Or do you spend too much time doing just one thing? You should be taking care of your body by getting proper food, sleep and exercise. You should be taking care of your mind by studying, reading good books, and listening in church and Sunday School. You should be spending time with people and also with the Lord. By everyone. By Peggy.
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