POSTED March 19, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"THE BEST GIFT!" ~~ I John 4:8 ~~ Grandpa & Grandma

GRANDPA: Why, Sweetie Pie, it sure is good to see you here this morning. Usually Butch is here with me to talk to the kids, except last week, everything went to the dogs.
GRANDMA: Honey Bun, whatever in the world are you takin' about?
GRANDPA: Well, you see, Butch went to visit with his other grandpa for a while and left Bernie, that old Saint Bernard, to take care of me. But he sure had some good ideas, that old dog did.
GRANDMA: Was it his idea to always poke fun at me, like my apron is the size of the state of Texas and that I'm so windy that I blow down trees?
GRANDPA: No! No! No! You've got it all wrong, Peaches. Maybe a couple of things were said - - but it was all said in love.
GRANDMA: Love, what a wonderful thing. One of my fovorite Bible verses is I John 4:8 that says, "God is love" and since we belong to God, that means we are love, too. By the way, Honeypot, the gift you gave me for Valentine's Day was the best gift ever. You haven't hugged or kissed me like that since (pause) - well, let me think, why, it's been nigh onto 50 years. I love you Grandpa.
GRANDPA: Oh, gee whiz, you're embarrassing me in front of all these younguns. But, I love you, too, Grandma.
GRANDMA: I heard tell that something special was going to happen after while. Do you know what it is?
GRANDPA: Not for sure. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. So long boys and girls.
GRANDMA: Maybe I'll see you next week, kids. See you later, Honey. (gives Grandpa a big kiss---make loud kissing sound)
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