POSTED May 2, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"MOTHER'S DAY" ~~ Puppet: Alien

ALIEN: Hi, there, boy and girl life forms. (wait for response)
ALIEN: You are very lucky, you know. Well, do you know that? (response)
ALIEN: You have mothers to love you, to care for you and to tuck you in at night and help you say your prayers. Guess what I have? (response)
ALIEN: My mother was a test tube in a laboratory on a far distant star that you life forms can't even see with the most powerful telescope. So I didn't have a mom to do all the things for me that your Moms do. I could almost cry but aliens don't cry. Know why? (response)
ALIEN: 'Cause we don't have the plumbing in our heads like you do. All we can do is talk and think. We have no emotions like being sad or happy or excited. You are very lucky to feel love from your Mothers. And today is a special day to tell your mom how much you love her. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. (Puppet down)
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