By Louise Ferry

BUTCH: Do you know how to tie your shoes, Della?
DELLA: Now that's a dumb question! Of course I do.
BUTCH: How did you learn how to do it?
DELLA: The same way you did, mom showed me.
BUTCH: That's right, somebody had to showed us how.
DELLA: Well, some kids I know had their daddy show them.
BUTCH: And I know some who were taught by the teacher and they had to show them over and over again how to tie their shoes and then they learned how to do it.
DELLA: Well, what's the whole point of this. You always have a point to make.
BUTCH: Don't get in such a hurry. Have you got a date or something?
DELLA: No, but you sure beat around the bush.
BUTCH: Well I have one more question. How about reading?
DELLA: Yes, I read. Why do you ask?
BUTCH: Did somebody show you how to do it?
DELLA: Yes, dad showed me but not until after mom and dad read to me awhile and I learned how to say each sound and now I know how to read.
BUTCH: Most of us learn new stuff by having someone show us how to do it. After they show us the right way to read or tie a pair of shoes, then we know how to do it ourselves.
DELLA: You know Butch, for such a dummy you come up with some good things. But what is your point.
BUTCH: Well, my Sunday School teacher read Scripture to us today and it was about Jesus showing us what we need to do to follow Him.
DELLA: Yow, I know what you are talking about. First we are baptized. Why are we baptized?
BUTCH: Baptism shows the world that we are members of the family of Christ.
DELLA: And Jesus wanted people to know that if they were going to follow Him then they had to turn away from their sins and live a brand new life.
BUTCH: And in order to show people this, Jesus let John the Baptist baptize Him. He wanted us to know how important baptism is, so He was baptized too.
DELLA: When you give your life to Christ, you need to be baptized so that you too can show the world like Jesus. You know Butch, I didn't think you were listening, but you were. Did you listen boys and girls. I hope so. If Butch can do it, anybody can. See you.
(both exit)
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