POSTED May 16, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"GRADUATE'S DAY" ~~ Puppets: Grandpa & Johnny

GRANDPA: Dagnabit. What in tarnation is going on? Here it is just passed breakfast and it smells like lunch.
JOHNNY: Well, Grandpa, it's graduate's day.
GRANDPA: What the didally dat is graduate's day?
JOHNNY: You see, grandpa, it is getting towards the end of May and a lot of High Schools and colleges are having graduation.
GRANDPA: Just a minute, youngun. I'm not from the dark ages. We had graduations when I was your age, but what has that got to do with the smell?
JOHNNY: We are very proud of those who have worked so hard to get their degree and we want to recognize them.
GRANDPA: I never got my dipolma. I had to quit to go to work to put food on the table. I didn't graduate.
JOHNNY: Well, you could do what Connie Hooker is doing.
GRANDPA: What is she doing?
JOHNNY: She went back to school and is going to get her GED. That's the same as a diploma.
GRANDPA: She's kinda old to be doing that, ain't she?
JOHNNY: Shame on you grandpa, she is not that old, in fact, she is pretty young by your standards.
GRANDPA: Yeah, she can do it, but what about us old timers?
JOHNNY: They can do it, too, and then they could be here for graduate's day.
GRANDPA: There it is again. Graduate's Day. What in tarnation is it?
JOHNNY: It is when the members of the church recognize the hard work that has gone into the education the students have gotten and to let them know how proud and happy we are for them.
GRANDPA: But what does that have to do with the smell? Oh, that smells good!
JOHNNY: Well, Peggy Stone and the hospitality committee have prepared a meal for everyone for just after church.
GRANDPA: Well, I sure hope that preacher doesn't have one of those long winded sermons today.
JOHNNY: It will still be there when he gets done.
GRANDPA: You know Johnny, Jesus wants you to graduate from His school.
JOHNNY: And the diploma is salvation and eternal life. Now that it what I call a real graduate's day.
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