POSTED May 23, 1998
By Louise Ferry
"WE REMEMBER" ~~ Romans 13:7 ~~ Memorial Day Sunday ~~ PUPPETS: Grandpa & Sally
SALLY: Grandpa, I heard last night that this was Memorial Day weekend. I don't know what Memorial Day is. Could you help me?
GRANDPA: Well, Sally, Memorial Day is the day we remember, with gratitude, those brave men & women who gave their lives so that you can enjoy so many good things.
SALLY: Last year I remember that at about this time they had parades with fire engines and men in uniform who carried flags.
GRANDPA: Memorial Day is much more than parades and fire engines and flags.
SALLY: But why do they do these things? Who are the VFW and the American Legion?
GRANDPA:Well they do these things because they want to remember those who fought for our Country, defending the democratic way of life. The VFW is the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion are service men too.
SALLY: You said fought. Do you mean they were hurt or something?
GRANDPA: Yes, Sally, they were hurt and many died so that we have the freedom to be what we want to be and go where we want to go and spend our money the way we'd like -- on houses, cars, church, and even on chocolate sodas.
SALLY: Mmmm, Grandpa, we need to stop at the Dairy Queen on the way home today. I need one of those freedoms called a chocolate soda.
GRANDPA: That's just fine, Sally, we will do that and while we are doing it we can be grateful to those soldiers for the right to eat chocolate sodas.
SALLY: Yow, grandpa, and I'm going to be grateful for the candy bars and milkshakes too.
GRANDPA: Yes, Sally, it is important to be grateful to those who died for our country and it's even more important to be grateful to God.
SALLY: Why's that, Grandpa?
GRANDPA: Because He's the One who has given us the privilege and blessing of living in a free land.
SALLY: Thank you, grandpa, I think I understand Memorial Day a whole lot better. Now everytime I eat a candy bar, have a soda, or drink a milkshake, I will remember who it was that made it possible. The soldiers who fought and died for our freedom and God who made it all possible.
GRANDPA: That's good, Sally.
SALLY: Now let's go to Children's Church and afterwards, to the Dairy Queen so that I can enjoy the freedom they made possible. Bye everyone. (puppets down)
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