POSTED May 30, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"DON'T FORGET THE BATTERIES" ~~ Acts 2:1-21 ~~ PUPPETS: Sally & Edithann

SALLY: Edithann, did you hear what everyone is suppose to be doing next week?
E-ANN: No, what is it all about?
SALLY: Well, you see there are these boxes and the adults and children have these boxes and they are suppose to be filling them with coins, and then they will have a contest to see who wins by which side the scale tips to.
E-ANN: That's neat and it will help our VBS expenses too. Have you ever noticed that coins have all kinds of things written on them. They have the year they were made, and "United States of America", and they've also got a Latin phrase written on them.
SALLY: You mean there is Latin on an American coin?
E-ANN: Yes. and the phrase is "E Pluribus Unum", and it means, "Out of many, one". This phrase was first put on our coins in 1795, and it's been on there ever since.
SALLY: But what does it mean? "Out of many, one"?
E-ANN: Well, our country started out as many small, separate states, but we came together under one common government, so that's why we are called the United States of America.
SALLY: We are lots of little states who joined together to create one powerful nation.
E-ANN: That's why the phrase "E Pluribus Unum" fits us.
SALLY: Do you know what else could be described by that phrase?
E-ANN: No, what else could be described?
SALLY: The church. Today's the day we celebrate Pentecost and the beginning of the church.
E-ANN: How did the church first come about?
SALLY: Back thousands of years ago, many Jewish people gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate a special festival. A certain group of men were gathered together, when there was the sound of a mighty wind, and then the Holy Spirit came upon these men. They began speaking dozens of different languages, yet they all understood each other.
E-ANN: Can you imagine a whole room of people all speaking different languages, yet still understanding each other?
SALLY: Yes, I can, it is called the Whitehouse.;
E-ANN: You see, God had sent the Holy Spirit down to touch those men, and that's why they were able to understand one another. God gave them one understanding. They had one purpose now.
SALLY: And that was the beginning of the Christian Church. That's what we celebrate on Pentecost. And you know what? Even today, thousands of years later, we can still worship God just like those men did back then. Happy Birthday church. See you kids, see you everybody.
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