POSTED June 21, 1998

By Louise Ferry
Romans 12:1-5
PUPPETS: Sally & Grandma

SALLY:: (she says with anger) I'm tired of Bible club. I didn't feel like playing during game time today, but my leader said I had to, so I did. Then the other kids on my team got mad at me because they said I wasn't trying hard enough. Let them try hard if they like it so well, I didn't feel like it.
GRANDMA: Well, you can't blame them too much if they were unhappy with you. You were part of the team, and a team can't work well unless all the members participate enthusiastically. Besides, there may have been new people there -- perhaps even some unsaved kids who were wondering what being a Christian is all about -- and your grouchiness is what they saw.
SALLY: (grumbling she says) Oh, grandma! They didn't need me.
GRANDMA: Sally, do you remember when you thought your sister had broken your clock?
SALLY: Yes I do. She tore the hour hand off of it.
GRANDMA: But you didn't need that hour hand did you?
SALLY: Of course I did. How am I going to tell time without an hour hand?
GRANDMA: Oh, you mean all of the parts are important?
SALLY: (thoughtfully) Hum! All the parts important! Of course. You're trying to trick me. I know what you're saying. Just like a clock can't work unless all the parts are working, a team can't work without all the members playing.
GRANDMA: You're exactly right! (talking to the children) How about you boys and girls? Do you play on a team? Do you help the team win, or are you a complainer, often whining that things are unfair or that you don't like the way the leader has told you to do something?
SALLY: That's the way it is with a Christian. Right grandma?
GRANDMA: That's right. As a Christian, you have a responsibility to be a joyful member of your team. The Lord wants you to work in unity with other Christians.
SALLY: Grandma. My Sunday school teacher told us the Bible says "if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."
GRANDMA: Your teacher was right. That is what the Bible says. We Christians must work together. Well Sally, it has been a good talk. See you next week.
SALLY: It sure has. I'm going to be a team member from now on. See you grandma. See you boys and girls. Bye Louise. Bye Peggy. Kids, you sit with your parents for now.
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