POSTED June 25, 1998

By Louise Ferry
"CREATED FOR FREEDOM" Gal. 5:1, 13-25 ~~ PUPPETS: Sally & Edithann

(Needed: A picture of a group of people that you draw yourself. The men are dark red, the women are lighter red, the birds are blue and green, and the prisoners are yellow. )

SALLY: Good morning, boys and girls. Do any of you like to draw pictures? I bet some of you are better artists than I am. I drew a picture for you this morning.
E-ANN: What are you up to now, Sally?
SALLY: I drew this picture (hold up picture) for the boys and girls today.
E-ANN: Boy, that's what I call a strange picture.
SALLY: I know it looks kind of strange, but let me explain it to you.
E-ANN: Explain what? That you were sleep walking when you drew that horrible picture? I think not.
SALLY: Edithann, you are being real mean today. Why is that?
E-ANN: I'm sorry Sally. I didn't mean to be mean. Go ahead and tell us about your picture?
SALLY: Okay, Edithann. Back in the land of Egypt thousands of years ago, pictures were drawn this way, with certain colors representing certain things.
E-ANN: You mean there were others who drew pictures while sleep walking?
SALLY: Shame on you, Edithann. I'll continue. For instance, men and women in pictures were painted red; the men were painted a darker red than the women. Birds were always blue and green. And you know what the yellow people are in the picture?
E-ANN: Yes, they are sick, that's what they are.
SALLY: No, Edithann, they were prisoners. In very early Egyptian paintings, prisoners were always painted yellow. That way, anyone looking at a picture could immediately tell who was a free person and who was a prisoner.
E-ANN: I hate to admit it, but that's kinda neat.
SALLY: In our Sunday School class this morning the teacher read out of Galatians chapter 5. It is about being free. The Bible says that we used to be prisoners to our sins.
E-ANN: You mean our sins used to control our lives, so that we could never live good lives that would honor God.
SALLY: Yes, and if we don't know God, then we won't know that there is a good and right way to live.
E-ANN: Oh, I don't like that, that is really mean.
SALLY: Our lives become like prisons of sadness and bad behavior. But when we love God, we want to change our behavior, so that we don't sin anymore.
E-ANN: I want to live in the way that God wants us to live. Sin no longer controlling our lives.
SALLY: Because God gives us the strength to turn away from sin. When we know God, sin can't control our lives anymore.
E-ANN: Now that's freedom. Bye boys and girls. Bye Louise, bye Peggy.
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