By Louise Ferry
Hold Your Horses

BUTCH: Mother, did you see the mess Della made in the kitchen?
MOM: No, what did she do?
BUTCH: She tried to make a blueberry pie. It looks like the whole room turned blue. I've never seen such a mess. I'll never be able to get the kitchen back in shape.
MOM: Kind of reminds me of when you were younger and tried to make blackberry bread. Looks to me like Della is just a chip off the old block.
BUTCH: Really Mother, some days Della just drives me crazy.
MOM: I guess you thought you were always a little angel?
BUTCH: I guess I did make my share of messes.
MOM: That is part of the learning process. If a person never tried to do things they cannot do, they would never learn to do anything.
BUTCH: How did you put up with me and my messes?
MOM: It wasn't easy, but my mother had a talk with me about the messes I made when I was young.
BUTCH: That just shows we are all human and tend to forget we were young once
MOM: At any age, we need the patience of others while we learn new things. We need to be patient with ourselves too. Part of the fruit of the Spirit is patience and as God is patient toward us, we need to be patient with one another.
BUTCH: I heard an old Dutch proverb that says: "A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains."
MOM: Let's go practice some patience. I'll help you put the kitchen back in order.
(They exit)
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