POSTED August 10, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading -- Romans 14:7-12 (NKJV)
PUPPETS: Deb & Renee

DEB: Renee, what happened yesterday? I have never seen you that way before.
RENEE: Well, I was in the store, you know, WalMart, and all of a sudden these 2 people came and asked me to follow them.
DEB: Who were they, Renee?
RENEE: Deb, they were store security. They took me to this small room and once inside I saw this unsmiling woman.
DEB: WOW!! That sounds awful. What happened then?
RENEE: The unsmiling lady asked me to open my jacket and put everything on the table. Then they asked me all kinds of questions: my name, address, school, parents, friends. Then she asked me the most embarrassing question.
DEB: What was that, Renee?
RENEE: She asked me if I had ever shoplifted before. She wanted to know if I was alone in the store and on & on.
DEB: Oh, that's terrible.
RENEE: Then they told me to call my parents. I said "I'll never do..." and the unsmiling lady interrupted me and said, "You have to call them. You are accountable to your parents.
DEB: Oh, Renee, that's terrible. I bet your parents were unhappy.
RENEE: I don't know if that describes it. When I heard my mother's voice I tried real hard not to cry while I told her what had happened. She said she would be right there.
DEB: What happened when your mother got there?
RENEE: When she got there I couldn't look at her. She said, "Why, Renee, you know better" I could hear the sadness in the tone of her voice. It made me feel like the lowest thing in the world.
DEB: What about your dad?
RENEE: When he heard about it he said, "You've made your mother and me very sad today, you've made it necessary for us to punish you.
DEB: Boy, oh boy. You really got yourself in some kind of trouble.
RENEE: I thought all that was bad till mom said, "I want you to think about something else. How do you think God feels? As His child, you're accountable to Him too, you know."
DEB: Gosh, you were in trouble with God too? What did you do then?
RENEE: I told God I was sorry and I'll never do it again. I promise.
DEB: Yes. When you do something you know is wrong, it is hard to face people. When you know you've hurt your parents, it is hard to look them in the eye.
RENEE: Yes, and just as you are accountable to your parents, you are also accountable to God. You have to confess those things you've done wrong. Ask Him to help you live in such a way that your meeting with Him will be a joyful experience, not a fearful one.
DEB: Bye everybody. Bye Peggy. (both puppets down.)
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