POSTED August 11, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading: Romans 3:20-28
PUPPETS: Sally & Renee

RENEE: Sally, do you expect to be in heaven some day?
SALLY: Oh, sure, I try to be good.
RENEE: But no one is good enough, everyone has sinned, and sin can't enter heaven. Don't you remember that little Maynard girl a couple of weeks ago. She told us that all have sinned.
SALLY: Well, I'll bet I stand a lot better chance than a murderer does.
RENEE: Since we are going to the game over at the gym this afternoon we better be ready, cause I heared that the preacher, Mr. Judy, can be long winded some times. Have you got your money:?
SALLY: Money? My brother is on the team. I thought I could get in free.
RENEE: I doubt it. I have some money, but only $2 and the tickets are $2 each.
SALLY: Oh, no. What are we going to do? I really want to see this game!
RENEE: Sally, this is like what I told you about getting into heaven. If you had a dollar and I had nothing, which one of us is going to get into the gym?
SALLY: Why, neither. Oh, I get it. I have some good works, but I'm no better off than a person who has none. I still can't pay my way into heaven.
RENEE: Well, Sally, I have some good new for you. Your father came in just before we started and he said he would pay the rest of the cost.
SALLY: You know, Renee, we both are going to the game because my father is going to pay for the tickets.
RENEE: That's right, Sally. That's like what Jesus did for us. He paid the price to buy our "tickets" for heaven.
SALLY: I'll have to give that some more thought.
RENEE: How about you boys and girls? Do you expect to get into heaven because you're better than others are? Nobody is about to make it on his own goodness. Be sure you're not so proud of your "dollar" -- your own goodness -- that you refuse Christ's free "ticket".
SALLY: If you do, you'll end up outside heaven's gate. Accept His offer today. Bye everybody. Bye Peggy.
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