POSTED September 10, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Matthew 13:31-32
PUPPETS: Grandma & Grandpa

G-MA Grandpa, did you see all the tractors working in the fields last spring.
GRANDPA: Yes I did, they were everywhere.
G-MA: Grandpa, do you know what they were doing.
GRANDPA: They were planting.
G-MA:: That's right. They were planting. Planting seeds. That is why I brought these seeds with me this morning. Do you know what seeds do Grandpa?
GRANDPA: They grow to become plants.
G-MA:: Isn't that amazing -- that a little seed like this could become a big plant.
GRANDPA:: I guess you have never seen my garden. My little seeds sometimes don't get to be big plants, they are overtaken by the weeds.
G-MA:: Yes we need to remember to keep the weeds out. Did you know that that is a lot like life. You are a lot like this seed.
GRANDPA: Well, Grandma you have called me a lot of things, but never a seed.
G-MA:: Well, you are just like this seed, you can grow up to be something great.
GRANDPA: Now, just a minute. Don't you think that I'm a little old to be growing up?
G-MA: No, grandpa, I don't. We are never to old to grow up for the Lord. Jesus said that if we had faith as great as a mustard seed -- a tiny seed, much smaller than these -- that even if we had that kind of faith, God could use us in a wonderful way.
GRANDPA: You mean God can do that with me, even at my age?
G-MA: Yes grandpa, with you or with these children. You see, God takes our faith and plants it, just like these seeds.
GRANDPA: I'm a little old to be growing up?
G-MA: No, grandpa, you are not. We are never to old to grow up for the Lord. Jesus said that if we had faith as great as a mustard seed -- a tiny seed, much smaller than these -- that even if we had that kind of faith, God could use us in a wonderful way.
GRANDPA: Well, dang-nab-it. That makes me feel good all over.
G-MA: It should and it does. See you everybody. Bye Peggy & Louise.
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