By Louise Ferry
"IN THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES" Ezekiel 37:1-14

G-MA: Butch, do you have a bone with you this morning?
BUTCH: A bone? Have you been sleeping under the air conditioner again? You know what that does to your head.
G-MA: You know that's not it. I want to know if you brought any bones with you today.
BUTCH: I don't think so. I've checked my pockets and I can't find any.
G-MA: You have plenty with you. They are under your skin, all kinds. You brought hand bones, ankle bones, and your foot bones. You don't go anywhere without your bones.
BUTCH: I forgot about those bones. I'm sure glad I brought my bones with me. I'd be a mess without them. Without them I wouldn't be able to walk or sit or anything.
G-MA: I don't know about you, but I'm glad I have my skin and muscles to cover my bones.
BUTCH: It looks like you might have a little too much covering, if you know what I mean?
G-MA: Well, maybe a few pounds. But, Butch, do you know what is even more amazing than skin or bones?
BUTCH: What's that grandma?
G-MA: It is the gift of life. That's what the story of dry bones is all about. It is not about bones and skin and muscle, it is about a loving God who gives life to bones and muscles.
BUTCH: I'm glad God loves us enough to give us the gift of life and in return I'm going to make my life the best life I can to show Him how grateful I am.
G-MA: That's a good idea for all of us. Tell God to take these bones and use them to His glory. Well, Butch, we know you have bones anyway. See you next week.
BUTCH: See you grandma. You might try to lose some of that skin. See you Louise.
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