POSTED October 09, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Proverbs 15:1
PUPPETS: Bob & Mom

BOB: Boy, I'm sure full of pep today.
MOM: What caused this peppy feeling, son.
BOB: Well, I just finished having gym at school and today we were learning self-defense. We are learning the Sullivan System.
MOM: What's the Sullivan System?
BOB: It's hitting the other fellow before he can hurt you.
MOM: What do you think of the Solomon System?
BOB: The Solomon System? I never heard of it.
MOM: It's the best system in the world.
BOB: What's it like mom?
MOM: You'll find it in Proverbs 15:1 (holding up a Bible).
BOB: In the Bible!!!?
MOM: Look it up for yourself. (handing the Bible to Bob)
BOB: (Bob looks at opened Bible and says) "A soft answer turns away anger"
MOM: Well, what do you think?
BOB: Oh, I get it. Bill did that when Joe was mad and wanted to fight him.
MOM: What did Bill say?
BOB: He said, "I'm sorry, Joe, I'd rather be your friend.
MOM: What happened?
BOB: Well, it took the wind right out of Joe's blowing, and there just was no fight.
MOM: Isn't that the surest way to win a fight. That's the way Jesus won may of His fights with His enemies.
BOB: I think I'll take up the Solomon System. (both exit)
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