POSTED October 10, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Reading: Psalm 119:33-42
PUPPETS:Butch & Grandpa

BUTCH: Oh Boy!!
GRANDPA: What's the matter Butch?
BUTCH: I just can't seem to remember all my memory verse. It happens every time I try it. Why is it so hard to learn my memory verse?
GRANDPA: Remember the other day when you heard your sister singing out on the front porch?
BUTCH: Yes. I could hear her all the way from the backyard. When I asked her about her singing so loud, she said the words just came right up. Came right up? What does that mean?
GRANDPA: It means that the words come back to her mind so easily because she's heard and sung them so often.
BUTCH: I wish my memory verse would "come right up" when I need it.
GRANDPA: Maybe you ought to do what your sister did to learn her song.
BUTCH: What was that?
GRANDPA: She repeated it every day.
BUTCH: You mean that if I repeat the words and pray about them, that when the time comes to say them, I'll remember?
GRANDPA: I think you are beginning to see what it takes. If you want the words to "come right up", they must be down in your heart.
BUTCH: I'm going to start today repeating my memory verse several times each day and pray about it. Then when the time comes, they will "come right up". Thank Grandpa for the help.
GRANDPA: That's okay. I'm glad I could help. See you next week.
BUTCH: See you grandpa.
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