POSTED October 20, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Reading: James 4:2
PUPPETS: Sally, Butch, Old Man

BUTCH: I was sure looking forward to skating today.
SALLY: It sure was a surprise to find it closed.
OLD MAN: (sweeping) It won't be open until tomorrow.
SALLY: We might as well go home.
BUTCH: Let's hang around for a little while longer.
SALLY: Sir, how about letting us skate for just a little while? We'll try not to get in your way, if you'll let us in.
OLD MAN: Well, all right. (old man keeps sweeping. Sally & Butch exit)
SALLY: (old man exits, Sally and Butch Enter) Boy we sure had a good time. Too bad our friends didn't hang around, they could have gone skating too.
BUTCH: You know Sally, God is a lot like that old man. He wants us to ask Him for what we want.
SALLY: Yes, even if it is something we think we can never have, God wants us to ask for it.
BUTCH: In Sunday School we studied this verse that says, "You don't have because you don't ask." In another place Jesus said, "Ask, and God will give it to you"; that is, of course, if it is good for us.
SALLY: God wants us to keep on asking even if our prayers are not answered right away.
BUTCH: We need to remember that it isn't right to pester people.
SALLY: Yes, and it isn't right to whine and pout for something when our parents have said "NO".
BUTCH: But God wants us to keep on asking Him for what we want or need.
SALLY: Too bad our friends didn't stick around, they could have skated too. Too bad some people only ask God once and then give up. (both exit)
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