POSTED November 13, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Lectionary Reading Psalm 98
PUPPETS: Butch & Mom

From offstage a female sings these words "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word."
BUTCH: You know, Mom, grandma always sings so pretty in the morning.
MOM: Yes, Butch, indeed she does. In fact, it is hard to find a time when grandma doesn't sing.
BUTCH: But how could she be singing this morning of all mornings?
MOM: Whatever do you mean. You know grandma sings all the time.
BUTCH: Yes, and I know how much grandpa loved to hear her, that is the reason it is so tough.
MOM: Oh, I see what you are getting at. You think that she shouldn't sing the day after grandpa's funeral? Right?
BUTCH: Right.
MOM: You see, Butch, grandma learned to sing a long time ago when she was glad and when she was sad. You wouldn't want her to stop, would you?
BUTCH: No. Singing is good for you. I read somewhere that it clears your lungs and helps your circulation. The article also said that singing sometimes prevents headaches by speeding blood to the brain, and that it aids your digestive system and prevents ulcers.
MOM: Besides that, according to grandma, it will ease you heartaches.
BUTCH: Oh, I see. If it eases your heartaches, then you can sing after a funeral. Hummm.
MOM: Grandma says that singing is spiritual exercise. We jog to keep our body in shape. We sing for spiritual fitness.
BUTCH: Maybe I should sing while I run and then I will be in shape both ways.
MOM: Yes, boys and girls. If you are sad, worried, afraid. Sing. Exercise your spirit. Sing unto the Lord, and you will feel better.
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