By Louise Ferry
"EAT & LIVE" John 6:35, 41-51

BUTCH: Sally, suppose I give you a couple of loaves of bread every day for the next 50 years.
SALLY: I'd have to move. There wouldn't be enough room for me and the bread.
BUTCH: Besides that, do you think you could survive on that?
SALLY: Well, I suppose so, if I had something to drink.
BUTCH: What about air to breathe.
SALLY: Of course!!
BUTCH: You would need some vitamin supplements to be really healthy. Bread doesn't have much nutritional value.
SALLY: Next, you're going to tell me that I need sunshine or I'll get cold.
BUTCH: Have you been reading my lines again. Besides that, you had better treat me good, because you are going to need some friends or you'll get lonely. You see, you need a lot of things.
SALLY: Do you suppose that is what Jesus ment when He said, "You do not live by bread alone".
BUTCH: Yes, and He was right. We need lots of things to live. But there is one more thing we need if we are going to have the kind of life the Bible talks about--that abundant life, life eternal.
SALLY: What's that Butch?
BUTCH: We need faith in Jesus.
SALLY: You mean like Lisa had a couple of weeks ago and like she had this past week when she was baptized?
BUTCH: Yes, Sally, that kind of faith. Faith like Lisa had and many others who are here have had and do have. Even if we have everything else-- food, water, air, sunshine, etc., if we miss that one thing, believing in Jesus as our Savior, we are the saddest of all people.
SALLY: You are right Butch. Jesus is our life, He is our joy, He is our hope.
BUTCH: Everybody needs bread. Everybody also needs Jesus. See you next week.
SALLY: See you Butch, see you boys and girls. See you Louise.
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