POSTED December 04, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Lectionary Reading John 6:24-35
PUPPETS: Butch & Edith Ann

EDITH: Butch, have you ever had to work?
BUTCH: Well, let me think. I did help with the dishes.
EDITH: How did you help with the dishes?
BUTCH: I got them dirty!!!
EDITH: Some of us have to wash the dishes, pick up our room, run the vacuum, hang up clothes. Many things like that.
BUTCH: SHHH. Don't you know you shouldn't be saying things like that. Every parent will expect the same. That's bad news.
EDITH: Well some people like to work and others don't. Why don't you like to work.
BUTCH: Besides being hard, it interferes with the things I like to do. Why do you like to work so much?
EDITH: When I work I feel like I'm helping someone. The house is cleaner. It gives me exercise. One of the best things that can happen to people is to be able to do work we enjoy. Why don't you like work.
BUTCH: Well,!!
EDITH: Does the work you do really matter?
BUTCH: What's that got to do with it?
EDITH: Everything. Our work can be made more enjoyable when we feel it really matters. Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up. It is never too early to think about that.
BUTCH: Well, I thought about being a jet pilot or a doctor or a movie star. I just can't make up my mind. Why do you ask me all these hard questions?
EDITH: Well you ought to be thinking about what you can do to make this world a better place to live in. A better question would be, what does God want you to do? If you do it that way you might be happier.
BUTCH: That's interesting. What does God want me to do? Well, I wonder, what does God want me to do? If I do it His way, I will be happier. Thanks Edith Ann. HMMMM. (softly) Doing the work God wants me to do. Interesting. (bring puppet down behind curtain) HMMMMM.
EDITH: Well boys and girls, what does God want you to do in life? Something to think about. See you boys and girls. See you Louise. Let's not bother Butch, he's doing a lot of thinking. (bring puppet down)
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