POSTED December 04, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Lectionary Reading Romans 15:4-13
PUPPETS: Sally & Edith Ann

SALLY: Edith Ann, have you seen Rosie lately?
E-ANN: No, come to think of it, I haven't. I wonder why that is?
SALLY: Well, I don't know, but it could have something to do with what she said the last time we were together.
E-ANN: What did Rosie say, Sally?
SALLY: She said something about getting her religion on the TV. Now isn't that silly?
E-ANN: So she is at home watching some preacher on TV this morning?
SALLY: I guess so. She said she watched religious broadcast on the TV and listen to them on the radio.
E-ANN: That's just fine, but what about the other things, like going to church and worshiping with others of like precious faith?
SALLY: Yes, I know what you mean. If it were not for church my spiritual battery would run down. You know, Edith Ann, that what is so desperately needed today is relationships, and fellowshipping.
E-ANN: I heard that the electronic religion of multitudes of people creates an emptiness. If you drop off your associations with other Christians you'll soon run out of spiritual fervor. In other words, your spiritual battery runs down.
SALLY: Edith Ann, do you know what I like most about coming to church?
E-ANN: What's that, Sally?
SALLY: I like the hugs I get, especially the one I get from the pastor's wife, Louise. She gives great hugs.
E-ANN: Yes I know, and I also know where she learned it from.
SALLY: Where's that, Edith Ann?
E-ANN: She learned it from the pastor, he gives great hugs too, I mean for a guy.
SALLY: (laughing)
E-ANN: What's so funny?
SALLY: I was just thinking, wouldn't it be funny to see one of those people who watched religion on TV, after the service was over, to go up and hug their TV?
E-ANN: Funny, yet sad. The Bible teaches us in many places that people not only need God, but people need people. Bye everybody.
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