POSTED December 07, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Lectionary Reading 1 Th 5:17
PUPPETS: Sally & Butch

BUTCH: Hi, Sally, I haven't seen you for a while. Where have you been?
SALLY: Well, Butch, I've been to church camp. I had a great time. Then last week I was at my grandma's house and we went to the Indianapolis Zoo. I got to see all kinds of animals there. It was a lot of fun. But I'm glad to be back. I missed everyone. Hi kids. (pause a moment) I'm sure glad you are here this morning too. I't wouldn't be much fun without you.
BUTCH: You're right, Sally. If it wasn't for them, you and I wouldn't be here. The preacher would put us back in those dirty old trunks and hide us back in the corner where we use to be. So I'm glad the boys and girls are here this morning and every Sunday morning.
SALLY: What have you been doing while I've been gone?
BUTCH: Well, I've been taking a beating from Edith Ann. She said last week that she wasn't sure if I didn't come from a monkey. That wasn't very nice, was it?
SALLY: No, it wasn't.
BUTCH: But, to show you how much I like having you back, I have something in my pocket for you. As soon as church is over, I'll give it to you.
SALLY: That's neat. A present. What is it, Butch?
BUTCH: I have a mouse in my pocket.
SALLY: EEEK!! A mouse. Why would you do something like that? I think Edith Ann was right about you.
BUTCH: Before you get too excited, let me warn you it's not the kind of mouse you might expect to see -- the little white kind that eats cheese and stays in cages, except when they get out and hide in Mom's closet!
SALLY: You mean there is another kind?
BUTCH: Sure. This is the kind of mouse you use with a computer. You know the preacher works with a computer all the time, but I don't think he has a mouse. So that makes it special.
SALLY: What's it good for?
BUTCH: You hook it to the computer and click the buttons and tell the computer to do things. Instead of typing words into the computer, the mouse lets you click instead. It's a pretty powerful little mouse! But if it is in my pocket, I can't do anything with it, because it is not plugged in. I could click all day and it wouldn't do anything.
SALLY: Do you know, Butch, that is the way our lives are when we aren't "plugged in" to the Lord. We go thru all the normal actions, but they just don't accomplish anything like what we could do when we are plugged in.
BUTCH: How do you plug in to God?
SALLY: You do it in several ways - thru prayer; thru reading God's Word, the Bible; thru being obedient to the things God has told us to do; thru telling others about how much God loves them, too.
BUTCH: Then, when we're plugged into the Lord, we can become powerful tools for God, just like this mouse I have in my pocket, when it is plugged into the computer.
SALLY: I think you have it. I think we all should stay plugged in! See you.
BUTCH: Bye Louise. See you boys and girls.
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