POSTED December 31, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Matthew 28:16-20
PUPPETS: Sparks the lion, Speedy the mouse

LION: Gr-r-r-r
MOUSE: What's the matter with you? Did you get up on the wrong side of the cave this morning?
LION: No, it's just that my back hurts. It must be from sleeping in that damp cave.
MOUSE: Oh-h-h. It's not nice to cuss.
LION: Look, mouse, I said, damp - d-a-m-p
MOUSE: Sorry. You must enunciate better. Finish your words.
LION: So now you're an English teacher.
MOUSE: No, but we have some people who have come over to our land who are teachers and doctors and nurses and carpenters and farmers and lots of other things. Some of them are even preachers and they are telling everyone about Jesus. They are here on a mission trip.
LION: Why would anyone want to leave all the comforts of home and come here where we have so little and comforts are few?
MOUSE: I heard one of them say they were called to this work. I don't know exactly what that means. Maybe they got a telephone call from God.
LION: Yeah, right. You have some imagination there, mouse.
MOUSE: Well, it's not my imagination that you are supposed to be afraid of me and here we are talking together like old friends. How do you explain that?
LION: Well, gee. I never really thought about it. Maybe this is one of those miracles that the preacher guy talks about. You know, some of those missionaries have retired and come home.
MOUSE: Yes, and a lot of preachers have retired and some have gone home to be with the Lord, leaving their spouces behind.
LION: This church collects the RMMO offering in January so that those who retire might have a small love gift that really helps. How about it folks, just a little in the offering plate can make a big smile somewhere or, do you want me to BITE you, grrr.
MOUSE: I think I could do better here. They are less afraid of a lion than a mouse. If they don't help, I run down under the pews and scare them. Bye everybody. SEE YOU LATER.
LION: You are probably correct. No, folks we are only kidding. But why not help anyway?
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