POSTED December 31, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
PUPPETS: Bernie & Butch

BERNIE: Hey, Butch. I heard that you had some really good things happening to you.
BUTCH: Yes, Bernie I did. You sure know a lot for a dog.
BERNIE: Well, you know how it is. When a dog is around no one bothers to check their talking because what could a dog do?
BUTCH: I guess you have a point. Anyway my uncle gave me the keys to his Model T.
BERNIE: You mean the one he has been fixing up?
BUTCH: He said it was my inheritance. He knew I couldn't drive yet but he wanted me to have the keys now. He said he had put it in his will that I was to get the car, but he was letting me know now.
BERNIE: I bet that made you real happy?
BUTCH: Yes it did. It was my inheritance. I told dad that I thought the preacher said Christians will receive the blessings of heaven as an inheritance from God and how can we be sure of that?
BERNIE: You sure do like to give your dad the tough ones. What did your dad say?
BUTCH: You see, dad has a funny way of doing things. He asked me how I could be sure Uncle Hank would really give me the Model T. Of course I told him it was because I trusted Uncle Hank and besides that he even gave me my own set of keys to prove it.
BERNIE: I know your uncle Hank and he is a very honest person. I would trust him too.
BUTCH: He sure is and dad said it was much the same with God. We know we can trust Him because He had never lied. He also sent the Holy Spirit to live in us to prove we belong to Him.
BERNIE: How do you know the Holy Spirit is there inside you?
BUTCH: Well, one way is through the fruits of the Spirit, that's what mom said. Another way is His Spirit tells me, I don't know how, but He does and that gives me an inner peace, joy and a real assurance in my heart.
BERNIE: I see. Just like the keys are proof that you will inherit the Model T, that peace and assurance are a good reminder of a very important "proof" of your inheritance.
BUTCH: And others call you a dumb animal. I think you are pretty smart. Bye everyone.
BERNIE: Don't let the secret out. They might not talk so freely with me around. Arf, Arf.
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