By Louise Ferry
"A MESSED-UP MESSENGER" Acts 13:2, 6-11

BUTCH: Bernie, I'm really disappointed in you.
BERNIE: What's wrong now? What did I do that upset you so?
BUTCH: Well, Bernie, everytime I wanted to send a note to Sally I could just fasten it to your collar and tell you to take it to Sally and you did. And if Sally wanted to send me a message, she could fasten a note to your collar and tell you to take it to me and you did.
BERNIE: So, what are you complaining about?
BUTCH: Well, the other day I really wanted some of Sally's candy. So I fastened a note to your collar and told you to take it to Sally. Then I waited for the longest time and I didn't hear from Sally. My mouth was watering, just thinking about that candy. I even went upstairs and asked Sally about it and she said she hadn't seen you. What happened?
BERNIE: (sheepish acting) Well, just as I was about to head upstairs I heard that funny sound.
BUTCH: What was it?
BERNIE: It was the sound of mom opening the cabinet door and it reminded me I had to go OUT. You know what that means?
BUTCH: Yes and when I checked on you, you were running around the back yard chasing a rabbit! So I thought, well, so much for that messenger.
BERNIE: I'm sorry I let you down.
BUTCH: I know, Bernie. You're forgiven. But, you know, that's the way some Christians are sometimes. We are to be God's messengers and we agree to do the job -- but we get sidetracked.
BERNIE: You mean like the time you were supposed to play your trumpet in church and you didn't get any practice because you were playing basketball?
BUTCH: You're right, Bernie. That's just the kind of thing. The message I gave you to give to Sally wasn't important, but the message we have about the Lord is important. It takes a serious messenger to deliver a serious message. See you later, Bernie. (puppet down)
BERNIE: I can't do it, but you can. You can help deliver the Message of the Lord. Don't get waylaid by something else, do what the Lord has for you to do. See you Louise. (Puppet down)
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