POSTED October 10, 1998
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Reading: Psalm 34:15-18
PUPPETS: Butch & Bernie

BUTCH: (Moans and groans) Oh - h - h - h. Oh, Boy.
BERNIE: Hey there, Butch, what's the matter with you?
BUTCH: Oh, Bernie, I'm so glad you are here. I feel so - o - o sick.
BERNIE: What did you do, Butch? Eat a bushel of green apples again?
BUTCH: There aren't any green apples now. It's winter time.
BERNIE: I beg your pardon. I saw some Granny Smith apples in the grocery store and they sure are not red.
BUTCH: You're right, Bernie, but I didn't eat any apples.
BERNIE: Let's see. Did you eat your usual two super deluxe giant size pizzas with everything on them?
BUTCH: Please, Bernie, don't mention pizza. Oh - h - h - h, I feel so bad. No pizzas.
BERNIE: Well, Butch, maybe you've go one of those 24 hour bug things.
BUTCH: Well, If that's what it is, I'd like to put that bug on a train and send it out of here.
BERNIE: Did you know, Butch, that God really cares about you and how you are feeling? He is always there to help us with all that is wrong.
BUTCH: I did know that, Bernie, but I was so sick that I kinda forgot. I know that God cares about the little bitty sparrow so He cares a whole bunch about me. Thanks, Bernie, for reminding me that God cares for me, even when I'm throwing up.
BERNIE: Well, maybe you'd better go lay down for a while and talk to God and get to feeling better. I'll see you soon. Bye kids.
BUTCH: Oh - h - h - h. Bye Bernie. See you kids.
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