POSTED January 2, 1999
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading John 20:19-31
PUPPETS: Butch & Sally

SALLY: What's the matter, Butch? You look so sad.
BUTCH: Well, I just found out that uncle Harold is going to die. Oh - h - h. I'm so sad.
SALLY: Why, I just saw uncle Harold and he looked alright to me. What makes you think he's going to die?
BUTCH: Well, I just heard grandpa tell grandma that aunt Ethel was going to be a widow again and (pause) and when a woman becomes a widow, doesn't that mean their husband's died? And that would be uncle Harold. OH - h - h. I feel so sad.
SALLY: Cheer up, Butch! !
BUTCH: How can I cheer up when uncle Harold is going to die?
SALLY: He's not going to die. It's baseball season again and you know how uncle Harold is about baseball. Aunt Ethel will not see him for a while, he will either be at a game or in front of the TV.
BUTCH: Boy, that makes me feel better. Uncle Harold must be as bad as John Stone about baseball.
SALLY: I don't know about that Butch, but he sure likes it. All those neat names -- Lefty Gomez and Dizzy Dean and his brother Daffy.
BUTCH: Yes, Sally, those are neat nicknames. But one of Jesus' disciples developed one of the most famous nicknames in all the world.
SALLY: Who was that, Butch?
BUTCH: Doubting Thomas. You see, Thomas wasn't there when Jesus appeared to all the other disciples after He rose from the grave. Thomas couldn't believe He was alive, at least not until he saw Jesus with his own eyes.
SALLY: Well, did he see Jesus?
BUTCH: Yes, he did and he believed from that day on. But he could never shake the nickname. Today, 2,000 years later, he is still known as Doubting Thomas.
SALLY: But, that's not fair. He did really believe.
BUTCH: Maybe that's a good lesson for us about getting a bad reputation. Reputations, like nicknames, have a tendency to live on even when they are no longer true.
SALLY: Yes, let's earn for ourselves good reputation, because reputations, like nicknames live on. Just ask Doubting Thomas. See you Butch. See you, Louise.
BUTCH: Bye Kids, bye Louise.
LOUISE: (Louise closes)
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